
Hosting and protecting animals requires time, resources, energy, and a peaceful and benevolent harmony! For the latter, it's easy as the chosen location, which is already available, is very conducive to it.

Wild Souls was created with the aim of realizing and framing the initiatives and contributive wills of citizens sensitive to animal protection within the broad and complex operational and regulatory framework of a secure sanctuary-refuge.

There are thus 5 ways to participate in the project according to the desires, time, resources, skills, and abilities of each individual.


Many activities can be carried out by volunteers on a voluntary basis, provided that they receive appropriate training and supervision.

Volunteering can take the form of a short and one-time contribution or, preferably for certain activities, a recurring medium or long-term involvement.

It is more suitable for local individuals when activities must be performed on-site (e.g., assisting caregivers with animal feeding or cleaning their enclosures, various maintenance tasks, visitor reception, etc.).

Soon, you will find here and in the ‘News’ section, proposals for volunteering interventions or contributions shared on dedicated Internet platforms.

Skills Sponsorship

Professionals can offer their high-quality services in the form of skills sponsorship.

It involves a company making its employees available to a non-profit organization, where they will dedicate their skills or workforce for a certain period of time.

To give some examples, managing and animating social media exchanges, event communication, web content management, accounting, and IT development are typical activities suitable for skills sponsorship.

Skills sponsorship is an in-kind donation that entitles Wild Souls, as a recognized non-profit organization, to issue a tax receipt. This receipt allows for a significant tax reduction based on the assessment of the skills or workforce mobilized, as determined by the tax authorities (Learn more).


The sanctuary-refuge site covers approximately 80 hectares. It is ideal for beautiful walks and discreet observations of the animals.

As the establishment and improvement work of the sanctuary-refuge progresses, the site will gradually be open to the general public, schools, and experts for activities ranging from discovering the history of the animals, the flora and fauna, and more generally, rediscovering a part of our own sensitivity and the experience of being in their authentic presence.

While the animals are primarily there to rest from their tribulations, they also know how to show their appreciation and sometimes surprise us when we learn to listen to them from our inner peace.

When you simply come to enjoy the beautiful landscapes of the place and the breathtaking viewpoints in exchange for a small entrance fee, you greatly help the animals and the local volunteer actors in continuing their protection and awareness efforts.


General Donations (for any purpose) or Targeted Donations (for a specific purpose), in kind or in cash.

The recognition of Wild Souls as a public interest organization by the tax authorities allows it to issue tax receipts for every donation made by individuals or companies.

These tax receipts entitle individuals to a tax reduction of 66% of the donation amount. For donations made by companies, the tax reduction is 60%.

Cash donations

The donation can be a general one and will be optimally used by Wild Souls to meet the numerous financing needs for investments or the operation of the sanctuary-refuge and the association.

It can also target a specific activity chosen by the donor from those explicitly presented by the association for donation: feeding a resident of the sanctuary-refuge for 1 month / 6 months / 1 year, accommodation for participants in a participatory project, construction of a specific lodge or enclosure, etc. The donor can be assured that the donation will be used to fund this activity and its objective.

Cash donations can be made in cash, by check, bank transfer, direct debit, or credit card, etc. Wild Souls currently favors electronic means of donation to minimize administrative burden.

Donation in kind

Any individual or company can also make a donation in kind.

Donations in kind can consist of a simple material handover of movable property, i.e. property that can be moved. This may be tangible property (such as machinery, furniture or goods) or intangible property (such as copyright or shares in a company).

In the case of immovable property, property that cannot be moved (e.g. land or a flat) or property that forms an integral part of it (e.g. a fence on the land), a notarial deed is required.

In the case of a donation in kind, the value of the gift is assessed by the donor, i.e. the person who makes the donation, i.e. who transfers ownership of the property to the association free of charge during their lifetime, whether the property is donated by a private individual or a company. In the case of a donation in kind made by an individual, the association must also check that the valuation corresponds to the real value of the object. The procedures for valuing gifts in kind are defined by the tax authorities.
(Find out more).

Although Wild Souls is already recognised as being in the public interest, it will take a few more years and a large number of members and donations before it is recognised as being in the « general interest ». So far, Wild Souls cannot receive legacies.


If contact with the natural elements, building shelters, digging paths, fitting out premises, decorating, organising a cultural event or producing educational materials to raise awareness are just some of the activities that appeal to you, Wild Souls organises themed participative workcamps in small groups with the help of other specialist associations, partner organisations and volunteer professionals responsible for supervising the design and implementation work.

Depending on the nature of the project, activities can be coordinated remotely and then carried out on site.

At the current stage of the project, Wild Souls is unable to finance participants’ travel, accommodation or meals. However, there are a number of accommodation options within a stone’s throw, and depending on the season, we can offer short-term camping or gîtes at preferential rates.

There will be time during the day for participants to rest and pursue their leisure activities. The nearest train station is in Albi, and there is a bus service to the nearest town. Members of the association can arrange to meet you there and drive you.

Wild Souls


A sanctuary dedicated to the rescue and protection of captive exotic wildlife and to promoting the bond between animals and humans.

A space dedicated to animal wellbeing, meeting nature lovers, and co-construction.

They need us

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©Copyright - Wild Souls 2023 - Mentions légales